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Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Gazmontazkomplekt factory.

Export of Products

Export of Gazmontazkomplekt products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Gazmontazkomplekt products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Gazmontazkomplekt: gas control points cabinet, transportable, modular, roof, block boiler installations
  • GRPSH brownies: 1 line, bypass  Gazmontazkomplekt
    GRPSH brownies: 1 line, bypass
    GRPSH-1, GRPSH-FE-10, etc.
  • Industrial: 1 line, bypass Gazmontazkomplekt
    Industrial: 1 line, bypass
    GRPSH-03M-1U1-3, GRPSh-400, etc.
  • GRPSH industrial, 2 lines  Gazmontazkomplekt
    GRPSH industrial, 2 lines
    GRPSH-05-2U1, GRPSh-07-2U1, etc.
  •  TCU-800 block-modular Gazmontazkomplekt
    TCU-800 block-modular
    TCU-800, etc.
  • TCU-400 block-modular  Gazmontazkomplekt
    TCU-400 block-modular
    TCU-400, etc.
  • TCU-200 block-modular   Gazmontazkomplekt
    TCU-200 block-modular
    TCU-200, TCU-200 B, etc.
  • GRPSHN industrial, 1 line Gazmontazkomplekt
    GRPSHN industrial, 1 line
    GRPSHN-A-01, GRPSHN-A-01P, etc.
  • GRPSHN industrial, 2 lines Gazmontazkomplekt
    GRPSHN industrial, 2 lines
    GRPSHN-A-02, GRPSHN-A-02P, etc.
  • GSGO-25/50/100 with one line Gazmontazkomplekt
    GSGO-25/50/100 with one line
    GSGO-50-SG, GSGO-50-SG-EC, etc.
  • GSGO-100 with two lines Gazmontazkomplekt
    GSGO-100 with two lines
    GSGO-100, etc.
  • GRPN-300 with 1 or 2 lines Gazmontazkomplekt
    GRPN-300 with 1 or 2 lines
    GRPN-300, etc.
  • TCU-1000 block-modular  Gazmontazkomplekt
    TCU-1000 block-modular
    TCU-1000, TCU-1000 B, etc.


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