Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

    GRPSHN with two reduction lines and bypass (industrial) - low-pressure gas control cabinets for industrial and municipal purposes with two reduction lines and bypass. It is manufactured on the basis of the RDNA-50 gas pressure regulator. They have the ability to reduce the gas pressure in the gas pipeline from a high 1.2 Mpa to a low 2-5 kPa, while having a maximum throughput of 900 m3/hour, which makes it possible to widely use gas control cabinets at various facilities of this type.
    Models: GRPSHN-A-02, GRPSHN-A-02P, etc.

Price list


All Gazmontazkomplekt products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Gazmontazkomplekt: gas control points cabinet, transportable, modular, roof, block boiler installations
  • GRPSH brownies: 1 line, bypass  Gazmontazkomplekt
    GRPSH brownies: 1 line, bypass
    GRPSH-1, GRPSH-FE-10, etc.
  • Industrial: 1 line, bypass Gazmontazkomplekt
    Industrial: 1 line, bypass
    GRPSH-03M-1U1-3, GRPSh-400, etc.
  • GRPSH industrial, 2 lines  Gazmontazkomplekt
    GRPSH industrial, 2 lines
    GRPSH-05-2U1, GRPSh-07-2U1, etc.
  •  TCU-800 block-modular Gazmontazkomplekt
    TCU-800 block-modular
    TCU-800, etc.
  • TCU-400 block-modular  Gazmontazkomplekt
    TCU-400 block-modular
    TCU-400, etc.
  • TCU-200 block-modular   Gazmontazkomplekt
    TCU-200 block-modular
    TCU-200, TCU-200 B, etc.
  • GRPSHN industrial, 1 line Gazmontazkomplekt
    GRPSHN industrial, 1 line
    GRPSHN-A-01, GRPSHN-A-01P, etc.
  • GRPSHN industrial, 2 lines Gazmontazkomplekt
    GRPSHN industrial, 2 lines
    GRPSHN-A-02, GRPSHN-A-02P, etc.
  • GSGO-25/50/100 with one line Gazmontazkomplekt
    GSGO-25/50/100 with one line
    GSGO-50-SG, GSGO-50-SG-EC, etc.
  • GSGO-100 with two lines Gazmontazkomplekt
    GSGO-100 with two lines
    GSGO-100, etc.
  • GRPN-300 with 1 or 2 lines Gazmontazkomplekt
    GRPN-300 with 1 or 2 lines
    GRPN-300, etc.
  • TCU-1000 block-modular  Gazmontazkomplekt
    TCU-1000 block-modular
    TCU-1000, TCU-1000 B, etc.

About Gazmontazkomplekt

The Gazmontazhkomplekt company (Saratov) is a stable and dynamically developing company, the main production of which is focused on the manufacture of industrial gas equipment (gas control points - cabinet GRPSh and block GRPB, pressure regulators, gas filters), as well as on the design and installation of low and medium pressure gas pipelines with a complete set of gas supply facilities.
  • production

    Gazmontazhkomplekt is a company that constantly increases production capacity, expands the area, improves the reliability and quality of its products.
  • application

    All products of our company are certified and successfully used in the energy industry of many regions of Russia and neighboring countries.
  • quality

    Achieving high production results is possible thanks to the current quality management system, which meets the requirements of the international standard.

Information Board Gazmontazkomplekt

Learn more about our products Gazmontazkomplekt.
  • Price list. Gazmontazh Kit на сайте Газмонтажкомплект
    Price list. Gazmontazh Kit
  • Questionnaire on GRSHP марки Газмонтажкомплект
    Questionnaire on GRSHP
  • Questionnaire on TCU производства Газмонтажкомплект
    Questionnaire on TCU


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